Failure builds

Today, I was having a conversation with a friend that is about my age, and the topic of being afraid of failing came across and immediately this youtube video I saw a couple days ago popped in my head. I share the opinion of these two people on the video, I believe this is a major problem in today’s society and apparently, no one really cares about it.

Failure is not a character flaw, everyone fails. I fail in a lot of things: in my relationships, in my professional life, etc. Failure does not characterize me, instead builds me, builds my character, builds my resilience, builds my perseverance. And the most important thing, those who were raised without failure in their developing years, when they eventually later in their life fail will have a harder time to move forward from that.

Just take 10 min and watch this video (start watching on 26m40s).

PS: I have two notes about this topic: read “The Man in the Arena” speech by Theodore Roosevelt, especially the last sentence; this “fake environment” idea that they talk about in the video is interesting and I see it around me a lot.